Captain Rich Antonino
You'll hear his laugh in videos. Fishing is all he does. Ever since Capt. Rich was a child, he was destined to be a fishing captain. Harvard University and becoming a financial advisor pushed back the inevitable, but since 2004 he has been Capt. Rich Antonino.
Because he can trailer the Black Rose, he has many ports at his disposal, depending on where the best bite is. Even better, the unique geography of Cape Cod means that he can fish for so many species of fish, depending on the season, the weather, and the particular needs of the customers. He is one of the only guides available who would ever consider fishing for shark, tuna, pollock, striped bass, porgy/sea bass, haddock, and whale watching all in the same week!
More importantly, he has fun fishing for all of these species. If there were one fishing style he prefers, it might be hard to say. "I like run+gun tuna fishing for the pure excitement and challenge. I like shark fishing for the consistent big-fish action and predictability. I like haddock/cod/pollock fishing for the great action and ability to fill the freezer for customers. I love porgy/sea bass fishing for people who want short trips, lots of action, and easy fishing. And I love striped bass fishing for pure fishing's sake."
How do you want to fish and what do you want to catch? What is your ideal day on the water?
The Boat
The Black Rose is a 25' Parker 2520XL powered by a 300HP four stroke Suzuki, new in 2023. It's a fast boat, but more importantly, it's a very dry boat with a full cabin, comfortable seating for everyone. After a year of use, I now realize that the old boat really pounded! I had gotten used to it. The Parker's ride is MUCH SMOOTHER! It is whisper quiet with the cabin door shut. Rain gear and boots aren't needed, unless it's raining! There is more fishing space on this boat than boats much larger.
The whole bow is designed as a huge casting and fishing platform, while the cockpit of the boat is large, with plenty of room for you to fish, to sit, and move around. A second steering station is in the cockpit, making maneuvering the boat while fighting a tuna or shark a breeze.
Sitting on a 250 qt yeti cooler with cushion and full backrest makes ground fishing a blast. Very comfortable fishing and cruising boat.
Meet the Team
Yes, you may encounter these guys on the boat....They're the best

Richie Antonino
He has been on the Black Rose since he was 3 years old. He is a human horseshoe. He mates on my shark trips and has seen more makos, threshers, and porbeagle sharks landed than anyone else. It's uncanny. A great fisherman himself, he is a great mate, especially for kids.

Alex Antonino
If Alex is on the boat, she'll be taking photos and videos for the day. It's a hobby of hers and I have to admit that she takes incredible photos and video.

Roy Leland
Roy is the best finish carpenter I know. If you see him on the boat, that means you're in a shark tournament or are shark fishing. He's a ton of laughs, a great mate, and very skilled at getting big sharks to the boat.
See us in action!
Here is a button if you want to see all of my "Years in Review" videos, all in one place. It's a video collection that we make each year...basically, our "greatest hits"!